
Open Environment
PIXIL Open Environment 1.0 is the base platform on which all PIXIL solutions run. Designed to be a standard platform for smart flat panel devices, PIXIL OE consists of the following modules: Nano-X graphical windowing system, FLTK applications framework, PIXIL Screen top, handwriting recognition, screen keyboard, touch screen calibrator. PIXIL OE includes other utilities and libraries required for a complete operating environment.
Download: PIXIL OE version 1.0 (8.1 MB)
The GPL version is freely redistributable for non-commercial use without royalties. It's use is to promote the Nano-X platform for open environments, as well as for customer evaluation or demonstration of the PIXIL runtime environment on new hardware. The Open Environment is packaged as a configurable set of source files with automated build capabilties for frame buffer, desktop X11 and cross-compilation environments.
About PIXIL OE Commercial
The commercial version is identical to PIXIL OE GPL, except it is licensed under the PIXIL Commercial License, which allows distribution for commercial or non-GPL environments. Licensing is based on deployment volume, based on blocks of licenses per-purchased.
For those desiring a base platform supplied without in-house development resources, a PIXIL OE Certified Platform is available, supplied as a bootable system image with source, certified for a given Linux platform for a fixed fee. The Certified Platform provides free bug fixes and support for six months after initial deployment. Deployment licenses are priced based on volume.
PIXIL OE 1.0 Includes:
MPL or GPL |
FLNX-PDA A flat-style custom modified FLNX |
PIXIL Screentop Applications Manager A screentop and window manager, complete with backlight control, handwriting recognition, and on-screen keyboard. |
ViewML A small memory footprint, high-quality web browser. |
Linux Terminal A handy terminal emulator. |
Clock An analog clock. |
NxBill A Nano-X version of XBill - a simple game. |
Touch Screen Calibrator
Load Monitor A small CPU load monitor to show what system resources are being used. |
Doom The classic first person shootem-up game. (Distributed without the .wad file.) |
Calculator A nice multi-function calculator. |
Icons and Other Graphics |
A complete tree is provided, in which you can build a version of the source for three different targets:
- StrongARM binaries, targeted at the Compaq iPAQ
- x86 binaries, for use with a framebuffer running on a desktop computer
- x86 binaries, for use under X11 on a desktop computer
A release target is provided in the makefiles for aggregating the various pieces of the PIXIL 1.0 environment in a single directory.
PIXIL OE 1.0 is application layer software only. It requires integration with a Linux kernel and file system.
Screen Shots
Click here to see the screen shots.
The PIXIL Operating Environment (OE) provides the following
PIXIL OE User's Guide
An introduction to the PIXIL OE screentop and applications.
Nano-X SDK and Developer's Guide
Describes the Nano-X architecture, how to develop Nano-X applications, and using FLTK for Nano-X.
How to restore Windows CE to the iPAQ