The ViewML toolbar appears at the top of the ViewML window.
The toolbar provides bookmarks; forward, back, and reload buttons; a location field; a history menu; and an activity indicator.
Tap the bookmark menu.
Tap Add Bookmark
Tap the bookmark menu.
Tap the Select Bookmark menu.
You see a menu listing your bookmarks.
Tap on the bookmark you want to load
Tap the bookmark menu.
Tap the Delete Bookmark menu.
You see a menu listing your bookmarks.
Tap on the bookmark you want to delete
The ViewML toolbar provides three navigation buttons.
The ViewML toolbar provides a location field that displays the URL for the current page.
To go to a new page, you can enter a URL into the location field and press <Enter>.
Tap the menu arrow to the right of the location field.
You see the history menu.
Tap the page from the history that you want to load.
The ViewML toolbar displays a activity indicator.
While ViewML works to load a page, it animates the activity indicator.