Building a Kernel and Installing It on Your Assabet

If you make changes to the kernel, such as modifying a device driver, you will need to build and install a new kernel on your assabet.


Before you can build and install a new kernel, you must have completed the following steps:

Building the Kernel

  1. Make ~/assabet/kernel/ your current directory, where ~ represents the directory path where you installed your development kernel.

  2. To configure and bulid the kernel, enter the following commands:

    make oldconfig
    make dep
    make zImage
    make modules
  3. As the superuser, enter the following command to install the modules into the filesystems:

    make INSTALL_MOD_PATH=~/filesystems/init modules_install

    Where ~ represents the path where you installed your development filesystems.

Installing the Kernel and Modified Filesystems

  1. Make a RAMDisk file for the filesystems, following the instructions in the section called Make a RAMDisk for the Filesystems.

  2. Upload the new kernel and the RAMDisk file following the instructions in the section called Upoading Kernel and RAMDisk files to the Assabet.