GrGetGCTextSize -- Return the size of a text string for a particular graphics context
void GrGetGCTextSize (
GR_GC_ID gc, /* graphics context containing font */
GR_CHAR * cp, /* address of text string */
GR_SIZE len, /* length of text string */
GR_SIZE * retwidth, /* returned width of string */
GR_SIZE * retheight, /* returned height of string */
GR_SIZE * retbase /* returned height of baseline */
- gc
The graphics context ID number.
- cp
A text string.
- len
The number of characters in the
cp string.
- retwidth
The returned width of the string.
- retheight
The returned height of the string.
- retbase
The returned height of the baseline above the bottom
of the string.
The GrGetGCTextSize function calculates the
size of the first len charecters of the
cp string using the font characteristic
specified in the gc graphics context. All
returned sizes measure pixels.