Integral Data Types


Integral Data Types -- Simple data types defined in nano-X


Nano-X uses several integral data types that have special type definitions to help make the library easier to understand. The following table describes these nano-X data types.

GR_BITMAPBitmap Unit - This type is used to specify bitmap images.
GR_BOOLBoolean - this type represents a boolean value within nano-X. It can be one of GR_TRUE or GR_FALSE.
GR_CHARText Character - This type is used for ASCII text, filenames and keystrokes.
GR_CHAR_WIDTHCharacter Width - This type describes the width of a character in pixels.
GR_COLORColor Value - This 32 bit device independent color value is used to define a color within nano-X.
GR_COORDCoordinate Value - This type is typically used to specify the X or Y location of a graphic object relative to its parent window or relative to the screen.
GR_COUNTNumber Of Items - The count type is typically used to specify the number of elements in an array. The polygon functions use this type to specify the number of points in the array of vertices. Some of the functions with string parameters use this type to specify the number of characters in non-zero terminated strings.
GR_DRAW_IDDrawable ID - This type uniquely identifies a nano-X drawable object.
GR_FONT_IDFont ID - This type uniquely identifies a nano-X font.
GR_FUNC_NAMEFunction Name String - This type holds a 25 byte ASCII string. It is used as a member of the GR_EVENT_ERROR structure.
GR_GC_IDGraphics Context ID - This type uniquely identifies a nano-X graphics context.
GR_IDID - This generic type uniquely identifies a nano-X object.
GR_IMAGE_IDImage ID - This type uniquely identifies a nano-X image.
GR_PIXELVALHardware Pixel Value - This hardware dependent color value is typically used for device dependent image storage. The size of this value is dependent on the configuration settings for Nano-X when the library was built.
GR_REGION_IDRegion ID - This type uniquely identifies a nano-X region.
GR_SIZEGraphic Size - This type is typically used to specify the width or height of a graphic object, such as a rectangle.
GR_TIMEOUTTime Out Value - A delay in milli-seconds. This value is used by the function GrGetNextEventTimeout() to specify a maximum amount of tie to block while waiting for the next nano-X event from the event queue.
GR_UNICODEUnicode Character - This types holds a 32 bit unicode character.
GR_WINDOW_IDWindow ID - This type uniquely identifies a nano-X window.