Menubars and Menus

The first goal requires us to use a menubar and menus that define each function the editor needs to perform. The Fl_Menu_Item structure is used to define the menus and items in a menubar:

Fl_Menu_Item menuitems[] = {
  { "&File", 0, 0, 0, FL_SUBMENU },
    { "&New",        FL_ALT + 'n', (Fl_Callback *)new_cb },
    { "&Open...",    FL_ALT + 'o', (Fl_Callback *)open_cb, 0, FL_MENU_DIVIDER },
    { "&Save",       FL_ALT + 's', (Fl_Callback *)save_cb },
    { "Save &As...", FL_ALT + FL_SHIFT + 's', (Fl_Callback *)saveas_cb, 0, FL_MENU_DIVIDER },
    { "&Quit", FL_ALT + 'q', (Fl_Callback *)quit_cb },
    { 0 },

  { "&Edit", 0, 0, 0, FL_SUBMENU },
    { "&Undo",       FL_ALT + 'z', (Fl_Callback *)undo_cb, 0, FL_MENU_DIVIDER },
    { "Cu&t",        FL_ALT + 'x', (Fl_Callback *)cut_cb },
    { "&Copy",       FL_ALT + 'c', (Fl_Callback *)copy_cb },
    { "&Paste",      FL_ALT + 'v', (Fl_Callback *)paste_cb },
    { "&Delete",     0, (Fl_Callback *)delete_cb },
    { 0 },

  { "&Search", 0, 0, 0, FL_SUBMENU },
    { "&Find...",       FL_ALT + 'f', (Fl_Callback *)find_cb },
    { "F&ind Again",    FL_ALT + 'g', (Fl_Callback *)find2_cb },
    { "&Replace...",    FL_ALT + 'r', (Fl_Callback *)replace_cb },
    { "Re&place Again", FL_ALT + 't', (Fl_Callback *)replace2_cb },
    { 0 },

  { 0 }

Once we have the menus defined we can create the Fl_Menu_Bar widget and assign the menus to it with:

Fl_Menu_Bar *menubar = new Fl_Menu_Bar(0, 0, 640, 30);

We'll define the callback functions later.